Ingredients of Success

By: Jenelyn O. General

              Everyone wants to succeed, but only a few follow stick to their plans and pursue it. We always heard that success doesn’t achieve overnight. Yes, it’s really true because success needs ingredients (it may not be perfect) that triggers us to accomplish our dreams in life. People tend to mimic other people’s journey, but all I can say is that my fate is not your fate, and everyone’s fate is unique. To succeed all we need is to have strategies that will continue to push us beyond our comfort zone.

The following are my ingredients in achieving success:

1.  Know what you want

In order to achieve success, the first thing you need to do is to ask yourself, what you really want in life? The moment you identify you want to achieve in life (Kaaabboomm!), you’ve already accomplished the first step. Knowing what you want will serve as your direction on what would be the first step you will carry out in order to accomplish your goal.
You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. - Zig Ziglar. This motivational quote of Zig Ziglar inculcated in my mind, it inspire me to jump out from my comfort zone, I don’t have to be that talented or skillful to start, but all I need is my decision to start. Opportunities are just around us, whatever it is, grabs it and work for it, you’ll never lose in trying, it’s either you’ll accomplish it and succeed or fail but it gives a lesson you will carry in life. Knowing what you want is like a light that you’ll bring with you while you are jumping to leap of faith or taking the dim road (because you don’t know yet what lies ahead).

2 Be willing to step out from your comfort zone

They said, best opportunities lie outside your comfort, yes! It’s really true; I love to step out from my comfort zone because in there I grew, I learned new things and I became stronger whatever lessons I gained from there. Practice to be comfortable with the uncomfortable, it simply means that, don’t settle for the things you are comfortable of because in there you will not grow. Outside comfort zone is the best place you'll be able to know your purpose in life, you will discover the things you will never think you can do. In my own experience, I have a fear of public speaking, but when I decided to grab the opportunities I never thought I will overcome the one of my greatest fear. Now, that fear turns a positive outlook in life, I’m already part of financial literacy advocates in Riyadh, KSA wherein we are conducting lectures to help our fellow OFWs in managing their hard earned money. Stepping from my comfort zone shapes me also to be good in my field, I am a nurse in Riyadh, and now I am one of the Instructors of medical courses. I’m not bragging my achievements, but all I want is that I want you to believe in yourself and be courageous to try new things because doing that is the best decision you can make for you to find out your purpose.

3.  Focus

One word but it changes your point of view in life. If you are eager to achieve your goals you need to do the things that will direct you to your goals. List down all the things that you want to achieve in life, everyday allocate time to read it, you can read it in the morning before you start your day or after praying. Set a dream wall, print the pictures in your mind and out in a place that you can see always, and remind you every day why you are working and existing. Evaluate your goals every now and then, set priorities, and take one step at a time. Achieving success is a long process, but always remember, whenever you will fall and fail, stand up and think for a solution why you failed with your decision. Never ever give up, try the things that you think you can prosper with your dreams. List down your dreams, read it, and picture out your goals these are the things that will bring positive impact on yourself. By thinking about your goals always, there’s what we called the law of imagination, your mind will be triggered to think subconsciously about it, and it will find ways to achieve it. Try it, there’s no harm in trying.

4. Design your day

I was inspired by the motivational stories of Jack Ma (the richest man in China), he said whatever you do after work, and it defines your success in the future. I used to write the things I need to do before my day offs, and it is very helpful to fulfill my day. I am an OFW, and I instill in my mind that I need to find ways in order to achieve my goals because being an OFW is not forever. Every day I make sure I will learn something new by reading books, blogs or watching videos. Life is the best teacher, and second, includes other people’s stories and third are the books and articles. These are the things I carried in life in order to succeed; designing your day will a good start to achieving your goals. Learn something new, be productive not being busy and accomplish nothing. Richest people in the world don’t stop learning, even Bill Gates despite his success, he reads at least 500 pages per day and 300-500 books per year. There are a lot of things we can learn in books; these are the untold words that only patient people will be able to learn through reading. Reading widens your life’s point of view, if you want to succeed you need to love learning things, you need also to know the theory because that would be your basic foundation, having a right mindset would be your weapon that whatever happen whether you succeed and fail you know that, that’s the product of your decision.

5. Keep your burning desire

Let go of negative people and be with like-minded people. Keep the flame of your desire by reminding yourself always with your dreams. Find ways on how you’ll remind yourself of your goals, you can apply what I did, I make a dream wall, every day before going to sleep and waking up it reminds me what I am working on every day. Evaluate your goals time to time, and do your personal balance sheet/income statement every month. Uplift yourself whenever you are down by watching motivational videos. Refrain from watching dramas, or series that make you hook on that and be emotional. Watch videos or read articles in line with your dreams, doing that will keep you motivated.

6. Set a time frame

It is very relevant that you know until when you are working for each goal, knowing that will keep you motivated and disciplined to stick to your plans. Reaching your deadlines are the most fulfilling things you’ll experience. Tabulate your goals, and set your short, medium and long-term goals, how much you can allocate, sources, and time you will accomplish it. Always remember this, time is our number 1 challenge in achieving our goals, the more you are procrastination the more you are delaying success. Be disciplined, have a proper mindset if you’re really eager to succeed you got to sacrifice. Sacrifice for a fruitful tomorrow.

7. Forgive your past self

We maybe make mistakes intentionally or unintentionally in past, it’s already done, let go of what’s holding you in the past. Forgive yourself and people who hurt you, but don’t forget to set boundaries and learn from those mistakes. Doing that, your mind will be free from negativities, and you will focus on the things that are more important, and that is fulfilling your purpose in life. Let go of the past mistakes, and assimilate from it, it will give you a clearer view on the things you want to accomplish. This will also give you a peace of mind, love the people who hurt you from a distance, free from hate and focus on your dreams.

8. The Law of Reciprocity

Whatever you give to the world it will come back to you in an unexpected way. If you read the 8 secrets of Truly Rich by Bo Sanchez, he said in that book that the world has its own automatic vacuum whatever you give; it will come back to you. I am a living proven truth of this, I started to acquire my first job when I was 21, that time real estate was the only investment I know, the rest I gave for my tithes and for my family. I don’t like to missed tithes every month because my mindset was I am so blessed and I have a lot in my storeroom in heaven, God blessed me to bless others. And yes, it is very important to tithe because that would be our spiritual investments. We are taking blessings in our storeroom every day and you need to replace it to avoid running out of stock. There are many ways to share your blessings not only financially but it can be spiritually by preaching the word of God, helping others emotionally or psychologically through our support. Acquiring education is also a blessing, with the help of my Co- financial literacy advocates, I was able to share my financial knowledge to my fellow OFWs in order for them to manage their hard earned money and invest in a right way. What I want to point out is that we received so much in life, and now it’s time to share it to the poor and to those people who are working to spread the love and words of God.

              We have a different frame of reference about success, it could be being financially wealthy, happy family, peace of mind, physically, emotionally healthy, the end point is that we are the one making our fate, it will be based on the decisions we make. For OFWs, be reminded how long you’ll be staying abroad, how many memories you’ve lost since you’re away from your loved ones, how long you’ll be exchanging money for the time for the people you love. Self- satisfaction is difficult to achieve because everyone wants more, but always instill in your mind what’s the purpose why you don’t stop on achieving more, is it for your own happiness? Or maybe you’ll be happy with the appreciation of others? Or you are doing it because it is part of your purpose. Success is a self-definition, define your own success and you will acquire the great happiness you are looking for.

"Just believe and it will happen." 


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